############################################################ ## openbechede - A fast and simple way to install OpenBSD ## packages and their dependencies ## ## $Id: INSTALL,v 1.2 2003/02/06 10:36:19 elchango Exp $ ## Yeah, I know, this file should be called "CONFIGURATION" instead of "INSTALL", because the 'installation' of openbechede is not necessary (you can run it from anywhere in your hd) but if you want, you can place it somewhere in your path (say /usr/local/sbin/openbechede). Requirements: - Wget. - Awk. - Sed. - CVS & OpenSSH(optional). - Common utilities like cut, head, tail, sort, etc. installed by default on OpenBSD. Then, you can configure some aspects of openbechede, creating the file /etc/openbechede.conf and setting the values that you want. If you don't set anything, or the file doesn't exist, default values are going to be used. What you can configure is: VERSION: Your OBSD version. e.g.: VERSION=snapshots (to get the packages from the 'snapshots' dist.). Default: 'uname -r' output. SOURCE: The place where you want to download the packages from. e.g.: SOURCE=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD. NB: You have to provide the directory which contains another one with the version number (in this case, '/pub/OpenBSD'), otherwise, openbechede won't do its job. Default: ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD. ARCH: The architecture you're running OpenBSD on. Default: openbechede gets it with uname -m. LOGFILE: The file which openbechede has to log its activity into. e.g.: LOGFILE=/var/log/openbechede.log. Default: /var/log/openbechede.log SYSUPG: The packages you want to fetch when doing a snapshotupg. e.g.: SYSUPG=base comp. Default: base comp man misc. KEEPDL: This sets whether openbechede should keep the files it download. When it's set it to 1, it will keep them, and try a "wget -c" to see if it can continue downloading. e.g.: KEEPDL=1. Default: 0. Note: Downloads are going to be kept under /tmp. CVSROOT: The CVSROOT variable you wish to use when fetching the ports tree. e.g.: CVSROOT=anoncvs@anoncvs1.ca.openbsd.org:/cvs. Default: anoncvs@anoncvs.ca.openbsd.org:/cvs. ACTIVEFTP: Set this variable to 1 if you want to force active ftp mode. Default: Disabled. PORTSUSE: What to use to fetch the ports tree. Options here are: cvs and ftp. e.g.: PORTSUSE=ftp. Default: cvs. PORTSPROMPT: Should openbechede show a prompt to update the ports tree when doing an 'openbechede iport/uports'?. 0=No 1=Yes. e.g.: PORTSPROMPT=0. Default: 1 PORTS TO BE MAINTAINED SECTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each line should contain something like this: port: : If no flavor is specified, the FLAVOR variable will be unset. A few examples below: port: wwwcount port: webalizer port: exim:no_x11 port: mrtg port: mutt That's all! ------------------- elchango irc dot freenode dot net. channel: #openbsd.mx Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina